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www browser中文是什么意思

用"www browser"造句"www browser"怎么读"www browser" in a sentence


  • 全球网页浏览器


  • These standards are supported by most, but not all, www browsers
  • There is no additional requirment to the client and any www browser is all right . in this thesis we provide our design about the cssp script engine and the corbascript interpreter
  • B / s structure is better than traditional client / server ( c / s ) structure in many ways such as the low cost, easy to operate and easy to be updated it's a typical thin client structure . it uses the www browser tech and combine with many script languages and active tech to reach a powerful function through the general browser instead of using al lot of complex software before . then it saves a lot of money, it's a whole new soft system structure
  • Of course, the theories and approaches about the design of database management system and how to integrate our previous research results into the fpax's system will be discussed as a main point . part two : in this part, we attempt to introduce the model of the web site so as to build a teleconsultation system based on the browser / server model . via using the java language program, we hope that our telemedicine user can achieve the goal of the teleconsultation just using a www browser
用"www browser"造句  


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